The sun has turned and days are getting shorter..but do we sit and sulk? No, we go out and take more pictures, trying to follow the little chicks we´ve seen as tiny little ones, getting bigger.
Here are samples from the weekend:
A little coot (sothøne), reflecting in the water |
My daughters lovely little dog Thea, visiting. Must be the most patient dog in the world |
The swans did not like the dog, but thought this angle was very nice, with the drops of water.. |
A black headed gull (hettemåke), born earlier this spring, now looking and behaving like one = lot of noice! |
A grebe (toppdykker) chick, getting big. But still with the zebra stripes and not the golden colours of the parents. |
A headed crow (kråke) |
A common pochard(taffeland) |
Shelduck (gravand) |
Jack Daw (Kaie) |
Same Jack Daw (kaie) |
Thea at the beach |
A northern wheatear (steinskvett) |
A young common whitethroat (Tornsanger) |
That was opur weekend, if I am mistaken in my bird knowledge, please enlighten me!
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