søndag 19. februar 2012

Last weekend

Saturday started with the gardenbirds, and the visit of a robin nr 2, so there was a territorial war going on

The lovely yellowhammers were quiet bystanders. 

A curlew (storspove) spotted as I came to Kvassheim

Sunday down in the Hå surroundings

A very exiting view, a Marsh harrier (en myrhauk)

Difficult to get pictures of them, when they fly, as they are very quick, this was the best  ones I got

torsdag 2. februar 2012

Garden counting 2012

Last weekend in January is always dedicated to the counting of gardenbirds. This is a very important task, and provides us with important imformation how the different species are developping.
Yellowhammers (gulspurv) have visited every winter last 3 years.

Starling (Stær), lovely bird, look at these colours! But noisy..

Another yellowhammer. The male is more yellow than the female

Greenfinch (grønnfink) this bird had a ring, but could not make out where it was from

Robin (Rødstrupe) having a bath

A very nice bath, really splashing

Magpies (skjærer)..they try to get the food, so had to chase them off.

Sparrows and treesparrows (spurv og pilfinker) wanted to have a bath too..it was Saturday

And the starlings of course.. Water is very importent for the birds when it is cold outside, so dont forget to put out that too, not only food.

Not the biggest variety this year, but the important thing was to count the ones there. A fun thing to do with your children/grandchildren.