søndag 15. juli 2012

14 and 15 July

Ok, the bible tell us about 40 days and 40 nights of rain...in Norway, we call it summer! That sums up the week, but it does not stop me fgrom going out. There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. And yesterday was not too bad, some rayes of sunshine found its way down to us.
I finally managed to see and take a picture of a goldfinch/stillits wild in Norway. Only seen them in the Uk before

I think they are gorgeous.

A lapwing/vipe

I think this is a redshank/rødstilk, but legs are not very orange..? 

This is definately a redshank/rødstilk, see, legs a more orange here.


A lovely bar-tailed godwit/lappspove

My chicks are getting big, this is the oystercatcherchick

and this is the lapwing/vipe chick

A lovely young barn swallow/låvesvale

A red admiral/rød admiral

This is a chirpingmeadow pipit/heipiplerke

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